
Antenna Facility Site Development

ECC has experience supporting numerous mission-critical telecommunication infrastructure construction projects around the world including locations in New Hampshire, California, Hawaii, Guam, Japan, Kuwait, and the United Kingdom. The projects require close coordination with technology integrators who provide antennas, radomes, rack equipment, and specialty cabling. ECC’s contracted scope typically entails the “civil works” package to include excavation, structural concrete foundations with precise setting of anchor bolts and embeds, utility ductbanks and manholes, backfill and exterior improvements, electrical power distribution including medium voltage equipment, mechanical cooling systems, life safety, architectural finishes, and physical and electronic security systems. Unique aspects of our projects include unexploded ordnance/munitions and explosives of concern (UXO/MEC); tree clearing; new roadways; demolition; hazardous materials; protected species; archeological and cultural concerns; Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF) and data center construction; rigid and air-supported radomes; substations, uninterruptible power supply, generator systems and fuel storage; military bases with restricted areas; challenging logistics; and extreme weather. ECC also collaborates with architectural-engineering firms and technology providers to integrate Unified Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications compliance into mission facilities. We understand the urgency of getting our clients’ missions online while protecting critical and secure details and information.

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