ECC performed full-scale hazardous, toxic, and radiological waste (HTRW) removal and remedial actions during a decommissioning project. The former specialty plant produced chromium alloy, specialty steel, metal carbides, powdered metals, and optical surfacing products. The 67.5-acre site is on the National Priorities List due to past operations involving chromium-contaminated groundwater. ECC performed planning, licensing, permitting, radiological oversight, temporary cell construction, excavation, waste management, support facility construction, slag material crushing/screening, ramp construction for waste transfer into rail cars, and final status survey preparation. ECC ensured proper dust control combined with meticulous air monitoring, to ensure the safety of site personnel and surrounding businesses and residences. ECC met all Facility Derived Concentration Guideline Levels and cleanup criteria. The results of this project succesfully contribute to the ultimate goal to terminate the client’s US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license once decommissioning is complete.